Pakistan-occupied Kashmir: down with state repression! Free the imprisoned leaders!

Whilst hundreds of delegates from 37 countries were participating in the fifth day of the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI), we received the shocking news that a government crackdown was underway in Pakistan-held Kashmir against the leaders of the movement that had scored victory against the regime in the fight against electricity and flour price hikes. The delegates, outraged by this news, passed the following motion in condemnation of the government and solidarity with the movement and its persecuted leaders in a unanimous vote.

We have just received news from Pakistan-held Kashmir of a government crackdown on the leaders of Awami Action committees, who successfully led the mass movement against electricity and wheat/flour price hikes. During this movement, three protesters were killed by paramilitary forces and around thirty were seriously injured. Some of the leaders of the mass movement have now been arrested and other leaders are being hunted by the authorities. 

Kashmir demo Image عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی سدھنوتی Facebookthree protesters were killed by paramilitary forces and around thirty were seriously injured / Image: عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی سدھنوتی Facebook

This has provoked huge protests across Kashmir for the release of all those arrested and an end to the repression. The demands also include the full implementation of the agreement to reduce prices.

This founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) expresses its complete solidarity with those facing repression in Pakistan-held Kashmir and demands that all those arrested be immediately released and that all repression ceases forthwith. We also condemn the state repression and abductions of political workers in Baluchistan and throughout Pakistan.

Kashmir Image عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی سدھنوتی FacebookThe Revolutionary Communist International expresses its complete solidarity with those facing repression / Image: عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی سدھنوتی Facebook

This conference expresses its complete support for the movement and its demands in Kashmir.

Down with the state repression in Kashmir!

Full support to those fighting for justice and against oppression!

Release Muhammad Shabir, Sardar Talha, Sardar Amman and other prisoners of the movement!

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