We are very excited to announce that dozens of important articles from marxist.com are newly available in the Vietnamese language! This very important addition to our website will make our revolutionary ideas available to an entirely new audience.
You can see all of our Vietnamese material here. The new translations are as follows:
- Marxism and the National Question (parts one, two, three, four, five)
- The revolutionary dialectic and the liberation of humanity
- Marxist and Anarchist Theory
- Marxism and the emancipation of women (parts one, two and three)
- Marxism vs Queer Theory (parts one, two and three)
- Marxism vs Identity Politics (parts one, two and three)
- Marxism and Darwinism (a chapter in Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science)
- Workers’ Control and Nationalization (parts one and two)
- What will socialism look like? (parts one and two)
- Leonardo Da Vinci: artist, thinker and revolutionary
- Art and the Crisis of Capitalism - A Review of “The Mona Lisa Curse”
- Marx, Keynes, Hayek and the crisis of capitalism (parts one, two and three)
- The Sharing Economy, the Future of Jobs, and “Post-Capitalism” (parts one, two and three)
- Lenin, His Youth, and His Formation
- Lessons of the Paris Commune
- 1918: first year of the Russian Revolution (parts one, two and three)
- From revolution to Tiananmen square: the birth of capitalism in China
- Malcolm X, 40 years after the death of a revolutionary
- History of Capitalist Development in Indonesia: Part One - Dutch Colonisation
- History of Capitalist Development in Indonesia: Part Two - National Independence and the Old Order
- The lessons of the Italian coronavirus crisis for the workers of the world
- The coronavirus in Venezuela: one more lash on the back of the working class
- Coronavirus in Africa: kick out imperialism!
- The capitalism system in meltdown
- Coronavirus pandemic opens a new stage in world history
- After the lockdown: what will capitalism look like?
- Massachusetts Nurses on the Frontline in the Battle Against COVID-19
- The WHO’s impotence and China-US relations
Black Struggle
- Black Struggle and the Socialist Revolution (parts one, two and three)
- Lessons From the History and Struggle of the Black Panther Party
- Marxism and the USA (introduction and chapter one)