The Communist Tendency of SYRIZA agrees with the general spirit of support for an independent, class-based, anti-capitalist struggle that is expressed in the appeal on the part of META – Syriza’s faction inside the trade union movement – with regard to the mass gatherings across Greece on Tuesday, 17 June.
The necessary mass mobilisations of the working people must clearly demarcate and end to the policy of the government of conciliating with capitalism, and must put and end the hitherto stubborn fixation of the government that it is possible to achieve some kind of “honourable compromise” with the extortionists of the Troika. Below we publish the text of the appeal, which we applaud:
Wednesday 17 June: An entire people cannot be blackmailed – the country is not for sale
Appeal on the part of META to the gatherings that are taking place across the country against the blackmailing on the part of the usurer lenders.
The forces of META shall be at the Othon Street/Amalia Street corner, in Syntagma Square, Athens
The country is not for sale nor shall the people be terrorised. The workers, trade unions, and the social organisations of the people can no longer stand back and watch as matters unfold; they are obliged to launch a bitter political battle for the overthrow of the Memoranda austerity policies and for the satisfaction of the needs of the people;
They are obliged to take to the streets and to dynamically respond to the usurer lenders and to their demands that the country, the workers, the pensioners, the unemployed, the youth, and the people at large ‘capitulate’ in the face of the inhuman demands of capital, which require the implementation of austerity policies, of extreme neoliberal policies aimed at an increase in profiteering at the expense of the people, workers’ rights, and of democracy itself;
META calls upon everyone to be present in force at the gatherings that are being planned across the country against the usurer lenders and their demands that they seek to impose upon the working class and the people at large;
We are taking part dynamically and we take the lead in the class struggle for the overthrow of capital and the Memoranda policies which even to this day the usurer lenders are attempting to impose through extortion;
Everyone present at Syntagma Square on Wednesday 17 June at 19.30!Tthe forces of META shall be at the corner of Othon Street and Amalia Street and at all the gatherings that are taking place across the country including:
Thessaloniki, at Lefkos Pyrgos (White Tower), 20:00
Patra, at Georgiou Sq., 19:30
Volos, Ιroo Paralia (Monument by the coast), 19:00
Ioannina, Central Square, 19:30