For a N100,000 (Naira) special campaign fund
2003 makes it five years since the first edition of the Workers' Alternative was produced. It has not been easy keeping the banner of genuine Marxism flying in the midst of great ideological confusion in the workers' and students' movement. However, in spite of the past hitches we have remained largely on course, thanks to the support and encouragement from our numerous supporters and readers.
In order to make our activities within the movement more responsive in the coming period, the editorial board of the Workers' Alternative is enjoining our readers, supporters and sympathizers to support the five year special N100,000 campaign fund for the secretariat (office). This will go a long way towards making the Workers' Alternative more responsive and strategically placed to continue to defend the interests of workers and the oppressed layers in society. We genuinely count on your donations and continuous support.
Donations can be sent through the paper sellers and correspondents, or online via Wellred Books. This will appear as a donation to the web site, therefore you should also send an email to with the details of the donation so that we know that it is for the Workers' Alternative.