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Lessons of Chile 1973

Lessons of Chile 1973

In Defence of Marxism

Wednesday, 11 September 2024 


Lessons of Chile 1973

Wednesday 11 September marks the 51st anniversary of the 1973 coup that overthrew president Salvador Allende in Chile and installed the brutal Pinochet dictatorship. We republish here a document written in 1979 by Alan Woods, analysing the history of the Chilean labour movement and the period of the Popular Unity coalition government of Allende. Who was behind Pinochet's coup? What interests was he defending? What were the policies of the Allende government and why despite all warnings was he unable to prevent the coup?


Lenin on the Third International: “a new era in world history has begun”

In this instalment of our series, Lenin in a Year, we take a look at a short but very interesting text by Lenin, written in 1919, The Third International and its Place in History. This year represented the high water mark of a European-wide wave of revolutions. The foundations of capitalism were shaking. And to lead the European and world proletariat, Lenin led the founding of a new Third Communist International.

França: mobilizar contra Barnier, Macron e Le Pen!

Após sete semanas de atrasos e de uma série de “consultas”, o presidente francês Macron anunciou no dia 05 de setembro a nomeação de Michel Barnier, do tradicional partido de centro-direita Les Républicains (LR), como primeiro-ministro da França. Este ficou em quarto lugar nas eleições legislativas onde a Nova Frente Popular (NFP) de esquerda ganhou a maioria dos assentos.