Early in the morning on June 23, Alan Woods, a leading member of the International Marxist Tendency, arrived at Ciudad Guyana, Bolivar state, in Venezuela. This city, founded in 1961, is the point where the two big Caroní and Orinoco rivers merge. The Orinoco is navigable up to this point, hundreds of miles from its mouth, and through it the national basic industries supply the Latin American market. This is the heart of the country's basic industries, and the bulwark of the heavy battalions of the Venezuelan proletariat.
Puerto Ordaz is one of the two local councils in the city (the other being San Félix) and is where the basic industries that make up the state owned CVG (Venezuelan Guayana Corporation) are based, including Alcasa, Venalum, Bauxilum, Carbonorca (producing primary aluminium, alumina and carbon anodes for the aluminium industry), Ferrominera (extraction, processing and commercialisation of iron). Also this is where the Sidor steel mill (Siderúrgica del Orinoco) is based and where Venezuela's main electricity is produced, at Edelca. Puerto Ordaz has also been called Venezuela's Petrograd because of the high concentration of industries and workers, which is regularly shaken by mobilisations of the working class.
One of the most important companies here is Venalum, the largest
aluminium plant in Latin America, with its
4,000 workers. An industrial giant, Venalum is the second most important
company in the country after oil company PDVSA. To give an example of the scale
we are dealing with here, in one day Venalum uses more electricity in the
production of aluminium than the whole city of Caracas. Energy comes from the nearby
hydro-electric power stations. One could say that as the Orinoco and Caroní
rivers go through Ciudad Guayana,
the workers capture some of their force and concentrate it in the form of
aluminium ingots.
On Monday afternoon, comrade Alan Woods spoke at a very important public meeting at the Venalum plant attended by more than 350 workers, to launch his book "Reformism or Revolution". Those present came not only from Venalum, but also from Carbonorca and Alcasa. Many of them are members of the political discussion circles which are organised in these companies. This is an indication of the interest aroused by Alan Woods' tour and by the ideas of the IMT and its Venezuelan section, the CMR, among the Bolivarian rank and file.
In a speech which lasted almost an hour and a half, Alan pointed out that the ideas of Marxism were as relevant as ever and that any attempt to reinvent socialism was like attempting to reinvent the wheel. "Everybody talks about socialism of the 21st Century, but nobody knows what it is" he said, to general laufhter. "Socialism of the 21st Century has the advantage of being like an empty bottle which anyone can fill with any content he likes, for instance the ideas of reformists like Dieterich". Alan stated that he had not found one single original idea in the writings of Dieterich and that most of them were borrowed from the Utopian socialists, and Proudhon in particular, "that is, of pre-Marxist theoreticians, ideas in the pre-history of the movement".
Alan's speech concentrated in the key role of the working class in the
revolution. "The struggle against the oil lock out showed how the working class
not only saved the revolution, but also run the companies better than when they
were under the control of the capitalists", said Alan, "the working class is
the only force that can complete the revolution, placing itself at the head of
the nation and taking power into its own hands".
Alan explained the enormous power of the working class, "without the kind permission of which, not a wheel turns and not a light bulb shines". Alan pointed out that the reformists are characterised by its mistrust of the revolutionary potential of the working class. "For the reformists it is unconceivable that the working class can have control of the companies and of the country", to which he answered: "who knows how a factory works better than the workers themselves?" to great applause.
He explained that in order to build socialism the economic resources of the country must be in the hands of the working class so it can plan the economy, putting an end to the anarchy of capitalism and the ills it creates in the Venezuelan economy, like inflation, low rate of productive investment, etc. "In Venelum all aspects of production are planned, nothing is left to chance". In a socialist economy the whole of the country is treated as if it was a factory, with all the factors of national production being organised according to a national economic plan "debated and approved by the country's working class", said Alan.
At the end of Alan's lead off, which was received with a big applause
from the workers, there was a lively debate. Answering the workers' questions,
Alan stressed that it is impossible to build socialism in one country, and that
he consider Simon Bolivar's idea of Latin America unity to be perfectly
relevant, with one small amendment: "that this unity is impossible on
capitalist basis", and advocated a "Socialist Federation of Latin America and
the Caribbean". "The starting point for Latin American unity," said Alan, "is
that you, the workers of Venezuela,
take power, control the factories and companies of the country and build a
genuine revolutionary state, a workers' state". And he continued: "A socialist Venezuela would
be a beacon for the oppressed of the whole world. Not a single bourgeois regime
would survive in the continent, they would all fall one after another like
domino pieces," to which the workers responded with a thunderous ovation.
At the end of the meeting a long queue of workers waited for Alan to sign copies of the book. In about two hours, 45 copies of "Reformism and Revolution" were sold, 75 copies of the latest issue of El Militante, the Marxist voice of the PSUV, and more than 100 workers left their contact details to get involved in the Revolutionary Marxist Current (CMR).
On Wednesday, Alan Woods will speak at a book launch meeting in Sidor, the steel mill recently renationalised by president Chávez after months of workers' struggle.
For more photos visit the gallery
See also:
- “There’s daggers in men’s smiles” - Alan Woods launches Reformism or Revolution in Barcelona, Anzoategui by CMR (June 24, 2008)
- Venezuela: Auto workers organize to discuss “Plan Venezuela Movil” and the new Labour Law by CMR (June 23, 2008)
- Venezuela: “Reformists have plenty of arguments against socialism” by CMR (June 21, 2008)
- Alan Woods at the Bolivarian University in Maturín - 200 students and lecturers attend by CMR (June 21, 2008)
- Alan Woods speak to 200 workers at PDVSA Monagas by CMR (June 19, 2008)
- Venezuela: Great interest in the ideas of Marxism among PSUV ranks in Monagas by CMR (June 18, 2008)
- Venezuela: Successful 5th Congress of the Revolutionary Marxist Current (CMR) by CMR (June 16, 2008)